A tale of a Scotsman living in SW london...

Tuesday, May 01, 2007


An interesting phenonemon seems to be occuring on the net which I'm not sure I like. Cats are taking over.

I was in Flickr the other day and for some reason some photos were getting blocked. Turns out the privacy settings had kicked in and Flicr thought photos of my Dad's X5 were porn - random enough in itself. Then it asked me if I was sure I wanted to view it which I assured it I did. It then showed the photo and a button called "show me the kittens" which immediatly showed a lot of kittens on screen. Now, these were undeniably cute (if you like that sort of thing - my other thought it was brilliant), and has a sense of humour about it, it fuelled my thoughts that cats are taking over - hundreds of photos of cats!!! You Tube is the same.

So if I start sneezing while at my desk, the cat allergy has kicked in via the medium of the screen...

Also, I was sent this great link which which lets you see runs people have done in your area, and allows you to create your own as well (although, you need to sync your ipod nano to it first). Neat use of google maps from Nike.

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