A tale of a Scotsman living in SW london...

Friday, October 10, 2008

I definitely know where I went wrong with the fire - had it going again last night and got it lit and stayed lit all evening (despite my best efforts...).

Got back to London last night, and after a dental check met up with some old colleagues from WS days. Was great to catch up, and also that our ability to consume beer hasn't diminished! Even while one of our number is on a crutch!

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Burn, baby burn!

There is nothing like it when it gets cold.

So when I got back to the cottage last night, I set about the wood burner to see if I could get it going. I'd stopped in on my way home to the local fireplace shop who gave me advice on what to do, and some supplies of good quality wood to burn - it needs to be bone dry and this stuff was most certainly that! So after taking some advice from them and buying the necessary logs and kindling, I laid out the wigwam formation in the grate, placed some knotted newspaper in there and got busy with the matches. I'm sure this will get easier in time, but it took me ages to get it going! I think I know where I went wrong though.

Perhaps when I took this picture I'd gone a bit mad with the logs, as it was pretty hot in the cottage at this point, but it's so much nicer than using the central heating! So this will be in use for a good amount in the winter. Especially after settling in with a homemade veggie curry!