Stupidly, I agreed to upgrade from Windows Media Player 10 to 11. The install package is quite large, but what harm (I thought). Now, I don't use Media Player a lot, the odd video maybe, as all my music is in iTunes. However I tried it yesterday to get a message about needing to log on as Admin to finish the install - I am the admin!
So, 20 minutes later, I find a forum in the middle of nowhere on the internet telling me to delete a reg key and the install will work. Slightly dubious, but the key seemed a sensible place and I tried it - sure enough it went in straight away!
Why do Microsoft release code with this stuff in there? It served no purpose other than to go wrong, and it's why they get a bad reputation.
(the key, in case you need it, HKLM, Software, Microsoft, Media Player, InstallResult)